About the Publisher
CheckWriter™ brand software has been continuously published since 1996. Software and systems owned by Boston Commerce, Inc. have been used and trusted by all 100 of the Fortune 100 companies, to process over 10 million transactions.
CheckWriter™ Cloud and CheckWriter™ Legacy™ publishers, also publish BetterCheck™ and RoutingTool™ brand software, and virtual terminals. All respective trademarks used by Boston Commerce, Inc. are property of yourfavorite.com, Boston, MA and are licensed to Boston Commerce, Inc. by yourfavorite.com.
With an A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau, and accredited member status since 1996, it is no surprise that BBB offices use CheckWriter™ brand software to draft member dues.
When you choose CheckWriter™ Cloud, you can be confident that drafts you print will be accepted by any U.S. bank. We comply with all regulations and check drafting standards currently in effect. We back it with our 100% acceptance guarantee.
Compliance is paramount, and all CheckWriter™ Cloud users enjoy an PCI / DSS compliant virtual terminal, as well as Federal Reserve Regulation CC compliance, Check 21 compliance, and EPC-6 compliance. Boston Commerce, Inc. also follows KYC and AML procedures.
In an industry free from many of the burdensome regulations that plague the ACH and credit card industries, Boston Commerce, Inc. takes the lead in exceeding all legal compliance and regulatory standards voluntarily.
Need to Contact Us?
Just pick up the phone. It’s so easy!
We are available without holding,
Monday through Friday. (except bank holidays)
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. – eastern time.
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. eastern time
You can speak with a real, live person, right here in Boston, MA – U.S.A.
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PCI / DSS Compliance
Current Customers:
Need an official PCI Compliance Certificate?
Contact us: 617-782-8998
Our Telephone Number
- (617) 782-8998
- (800) 893-6001
Customer Testimonials
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